Whistler: Dan Price, Chair of the Kelowna Chamber, led the Kelowna delegation to the microphone in Whistler over two days of policy sessions late last week. All eight policies submitted by the Kelowna Chamber – out of 64 tabled provincially – were adopted.


“We are pleased that our wide range of policies resonated with the delegates and attracted a positive vote,” said Price. It’s vital that these important advocacy issues get researched, written, adopted and then taken to government for action. There is no stronger voice with government in BC than the BC Chamber of Commerce.”


Past President Pamela Pearson of the Chamber also attended the policy sessions and took part in the discussions and the debates. Important among the eight adopted were two: one dealing with crime and vandalism linked to illicit drug use, and another, aimed at increasing the retention of, or addition of seniors to the workforce.


“There’s always a wide range of thoughtful policies developed from the grass roots of chamber membership around the province,” said Rogers. “In Kelowna, our development cycle runs year-round, with member input and feedback every step of the way. We know that the government will find important issues to review when the final manual is sent to them later this month.”


A full list of the adopted policies will be available on the BC Chamber website in several weeks’ time.


For more information:

Dan Rogers, CEO
