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What we do and why we do it.

When we talk about advocacy and policy work, we know it can be tricky to unpack what that might mean. What does advocacy look like and how do policy recommendations work?

Advocacy is support for or recommendation of a particular cause of policy, and policy recommendations are when we take the issues brought forward and recommend action to government. The two are connected, both driven by issues raised by membership and the business community.

The success of every industry and sector contributes to the health of our region. As a Chamber, we work for a positive and healthy business environment where your organizations can thrive. This is how policy & advocacy plays a role in shaping our region, province, and country.

Whether it's new local short-term rental legislation changes, labour pressures, natural assets, or interprovincial trade, decisions at each level of government impact business in our region. That makes this work our business.  

Our latest recommendations are our part of the (much) larger BC Chamber of Commerce 2024 Policies & Positions Manual and Canadian Chamber of Commerce 2024 Policies & Positions Manual (coming in November). 

There is a particular life cycle to how issues become policy recommendations. Have an issue? We'd love for you to get involved with us. 

Our Policy Work

Short-Term Rentals
Economic Recovery
Natural Assets
Speculation Tax
Interprovincial Trade
Invasive Mussels